These shows are sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association and their rules shall govern.
Junior and Senior Does are separately sanctioned with ADGA.
Base dates are show day: May 27 and 28, 2023
Judging will begin at 7:30am
Original registration certificate or stamped duplicate (stamped dated 30 days or less) for kids under 6 months. MUST be shown to the show committee prior to show. Photocopies are not permitted.
Friday evening check in will help the show flow smoother, faster.
Breed specialties for district 7 awarded are: Nubian Specialty
Show order for ADGA Breeds is starting with Nubian and ending with Nigerian Dwarf.
Sr Does: N-Nubian, OB-Oberhasli, S-Saanen, CB-Sable, T-Toggenburg, A-Alpine, G-Guernsey, L-LaMancha, RG-Recorded Grade, and ND-Nigerian Dwarf.
Jr Does: N, OB, CB, A, AOP, LM, RG, ND
Bucks: N, ND, AOP
Show order could be changed at discretion of sponsoring club, judge, and attending exhibitors and will very likely be changed in second ring to facilitate completion of show.
Show will begin each morning at 7:30 am with the Senior Does and will proceed onto Jr. Does and finish with Bucks.
No pre-show milk out is required, be fair to your does; avoid over uddering.
It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to know the requirements of transporting animals into and within the state of Idaho. Any goat showing signs of infectious conditions, signs of abscesses, or in poor health, will be refused entry. Please find the person checking goats before penning yours. Disputes will be resolved by a licensed veterinarian at the exhibitor’s expense. Be considerate of the goats of other exhibitors
Pictures will be taken of all GCH, ResCH, BOB and specialty classes for our website and specialty applications. Your cooperation and patience is appreciated. All Best of Breed winners must remain until after the Best In Show has been chosen. Help us keep the show running smoothly by having your goat ringside during the class before your goat’s class. A second handler is recommended for those showing multiple breeds. Be courteous to other exhibitors, do not hold up either show. We must keep classes entering the rings efficiently.
The Show will be held at Expo Idaho/Western Idaho Fairgrounds
5610 Glenwood St. Boise, ID 83714 | (208) 287-5650
Use livestock entrance just before Hawks Memorial Stadium off of Glenwood Street – turn right at first guard shack.
Camping on the fairground facilities is “not” permitted. Fairgrounds faculty have the authority to fine anybody they observe camping, DON’T plug into outlets. There will be one assigned night watch which has authorization to camp on the fairgrounds. A newly renovated campground facility, Boise Riverside RV Park, can be reached at 208-375-7432 to make your camping reservations nearby.
This show/event is part of the Washington State Goat Breeders Association annual events.
Refunds for entered animals are not given.