The Aaron Butler Memorial Purple Heart Run will be held on Saturday, August 19th, 2023 at Eagle Island State Park. Chose to experience the 5K, 10K, or an Unknown Distance Run, all will start at 0900. The event is about community and sacrifice – feel free to wear traditional running attire, or load yourself down with a ruck sack, military/LEO uniform, or boots and body armor for an added degree of awesomeness. Wondering if the “suck factor” may be too high? Ask yourself… What Would Aaron Butler Do #wwabd? Embrace the suck! With beer, music, food, guest speakers, and lots to do for kids, it’s a lot more than a run. It’s an emotional and educational experience.
Eagle Island State Park
Eagle, ID US 83616
This is a celebration of all US servicemembers who have given their lives or parts of themselves physically in combat operations around the globe. The after party promises to be epic. We will have local beer, music, food, local coffee, and lots to do for kids. All race proceeds will go to the Aaron Butler Memorial Foundation (a 501C3 nonprofit). This event was created by local Purple Heart recipients, and there will be an opportunity for all participants and supporters to meet and learn from those men and women who have been wounded in combat. The race courses will be lined with pictures and stories about Purple Heart Recipients who gave their lives in the Global War on Terror (since 9/11/2001). Bring out your families, let your children meet and absorb the words of Gold Star families (who have lost loved ones in combat), Vietnam War Purple Heart Recipients, and Purple Heart Recipients from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are among us every day, this in a unique opportunity for all of us to see and hear from local community members who have given more than most for our Nation.