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Idaho Youth Ranch


Idaho Youth Ranch is a non-profit 501(c)(3) agency that offers emergency shelter, residential care, youth and family therapy, job readiness training, adoption services, and more for kids and their families. Idaho Youth Ranch operates a network of thrift stores that help fund youth programs and services. Idaho Youth Ranch provides jobs for more than 400 Idahoans in communities across the state who staff program operations, thrift stores, offices, and distribution centers.

For more information on Idaho Youth Ranch please go to

For over seven decades, the Idaho Youth Ranch has been a place of hope for countless young individuals. It is a testament to the enduring legacy of Reverend James Crowe and his beloved wife, Ruby Carey Crowe. Their selflessness and compassion blazed a trail that continues to touch lives, generation after generation.

From its humble beginnings in Rupert, Idaho, the Idaho Youth Ranch has continued to expand into a guiding light for youth across the state. Now, with the unveiling of its Residential Center for Healing and Resilience Campus, the Idaho Youth Ranch enters a new chapter of its mission. As Idaho’s first and only psychiatric long-term facility for youth aged 11-17— children, along with their families, who have experienced trauma, adversity, and loss can begin the healing journey within an environment carefully designed for a therapeutic experience.

A community of dedicated individuals connected by a purpose: to nurture healing and foster resilience in every young heart that walks through its doors. The Residential Center for Healing and Resilience is more than a sanctuary; it’s a home.


If you or someone you know needs help, Idaho Youth Ranch is here. They have the flexibility and resources to get help in the way (or the right combination of ways) that works for you, because every situation is different, and so is every kid.

Don’t Wait. The longer you wait, the deeper the trauma. The deeper the trauma, the more difficult the healing process.

Idaho Youth Ranch helps young people ages 9 to 24 and their families with proven therapies designed to address dangerous behaviors or troubling feelings or experiences. Through proper treatment, they help youth develop grit, work ethic, and overall resiliency for a better life. Find out all the ways that you can receive help from the Idaho Youth Ranch.


Together, we build better futures. We all have a role to play in providing better futures for Idaho children. No matter where you live or who you are, there is a child waiting, depending on you. Find out all the ways that you can get involved and help the Idaho Youth Ranch.





For more information on Idaho Youth Ranch please go to


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